To rename files, select them in the FileList and click the StartGadget or select start from the menu.

If all selected files have an index, and no index occures twice, ProRen immediately starts its work. If at least one file has no index or at least one index is used twice, ProRen renames the files alphabetically - after questioning you about this. If all files have an index and some gaps were found, ProRen tells you of this and asks you, if you want to continue anyway.

If there are gaps, all files are renamed to, to avoid conflicts. While ProRen is doing this, it may draw your attention to the existing gaps, you will be asked, if you want to leave or close the gap. This question is answered automatically, if the GapMode-Gadget shows any other value than "Request". In a second pass all the files are renamed to the names you specified.

Course every file has to be renamed twice, the procedure lasts twice as long, as if every file would have to be renamed only once. Though ProRen is much faster as you doing all this renaming by hand.

If there are no gaps, the turbomode will be activated automatically, which is twice as fast, because every file has to be renamed only once.